if dlo plays like this instead of last year nuggets have to deal with 20 more points scored every game
Oh boy here the Lakers go again with the moral victories
He said because you’d have to see them anyway and that at least in this scenario bron and AD would be less fatigued…
I get where he’s coming from but it’s still a bad take. The lakers don’t match well against the nuggets it’s better to let another team possibly upset them(unlikely) and make the playoff path easier. Apart from nuggets lakers have a shot vs anybody in the west.
Would love to see mavs vs lakers
Just curious what their record against the Nuggets is in say... the last 8 games 🧐
Lakers 8-0 in moral victories
Us Sweeping the lakers in back to back years
Brin was on 1 foot btw and everygame came down to the wire
But you lost every game that came to the wire
And you lost every game against us this year too 🤷️
I see his logic but no the best chance is to hope jokic or Jamal gets injured after a few series
Or just hoping someone else manages to knock Denver out of the offs. Any team would struggle against Denver in a 7 game series, but it's very obvious that the Lakers specifically have no chance of beating them
This isn't even, like, cherry picking, this is legit just this current version of the Lakers vs this current version of Denver.
Last time the Lakers beat Denver, Thomas Bryant was LA's second leading scorer. Russell Westbrook was still on the team at the time
There is no actual way this is real
His argument actually makes some sense
He was essentially saying that they’ll have to play Denver at some point, and because in the first round you are less tired, and there’s more time between games, that’s the best time for a team like the Lakers (who’s best players are old)
Why would u rather play the nuggets first round when they are fully rested and the players just had to play an intense play in game when u could play them later and maybe Jamal is banged up or mpj
They got swept easily last year in the playoffs by Denver lol
What's your point that was last year.. and all the games were competitive and could have gone either way.. Lakers are better than last years lakers.. they won't get swept. Maybe 6 games or 7
Even if so, they’re 0-3 against the nugs this season. Denver is also arguably better than last season lol
北京时间3月27日,湖人在客场历经双加时以128-124险胜雄鹿,取得四连胜的同时巩固了自己西部第九的位置,如果他们最终能够打进季后赛,他们与目前的西部第一掘金的之间的潜在对阵也吸引了很高的关注。而在今日,知名媒体人Nick Wright在参加The Volume Sports的节目时表示:”湖人应该希望在首轮遇上掘金。“并完成复仇。这一言论立刻引起了媒体和球迷们的热烈讨论,球迷们纷纷表示:还想被横扫?
if dlo plays like this instead of last year nuggets have to deal with 20 more points scored every game
Oh boy here the Lakers go again with the moral victories
He said because you’d have to see them anyway and that at least in this scenario bron and AD would be less fatigued…
I get where he’s coming from but it’s still a bad take. The lakers don’t match well against the nuggets it’s better to let another team possibly upset them(unlikely) and make the playoff path easier. Apart from nuggets lakers have a shot vs anybody in the west.
Would love to see mavs vs lakers
Just curious what their record against the Nuggets is in say... the last 8 games 🧐
Lakers 8-0 in moral victories
Us Sweeping the lakers in back to back years
Brin was on 1 foot btw and everygame came down to the wire
But you lost every game that came to the wire
And you lost every game against us this year too 🤷️
I see his logic but no the best chance is to hope jokic or Jamal gets injured after a few series
Or just hoping someone else manages to knock Denver out of the offs. Any team would struggle against Denver in a 7 game series, but it's very obvious that the Lakers specifically have no chance of beating them
This isn't even, like, cherry picking, this is legit just this current version of the Lakers vs this current version of Denver.
Last time the Lakers beat Denver, Thomas Bryant was LA's second leading scorer. Russell Westbrook was still on the team at the time
There is no actual way this is real
His argument actually makes some sense
He was essentially saying that they’ll have to play Denver at some point, and because in the first round you are less tired, and there’s more time between games, that’s the best time for a team like the Lakers (who’s best players are old)
Why would u rather play the nuggets first round when they are fully rested and the players just had to play an intense play in game when u could play them later and maybe Jamal is banged up or mpj
They got swept easily last year in the playoffs by Denver lol
What's your point that was last year.. and all the games were competitive and could have gone either way.. Lakers are better than last years lakers.. they won't get swept. Maybe 6 games or 7
Even if so, they’re 0-3 against the nugs this season. Denver is also arguably better than last season lol
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