
名胜古迹 2024-04-21 千姿百态 5204

北京时间4月19日,前NBA球员蒂姆-莱格勒在参加ESPN的节目《Get Up》时探讨了“若詹姆斯再拿一冠是否能超越乔丹”这一问题,莱格勒表示:詹姆斯无法超越乔丹,除非他再拿一冠。




That’s the problem with Jordan fans. Act like he was some mythical god or something


I mean in 11 healthy seasons in Chicago he accomplished what lebron has done in 20 seasons. Not mj fault he was soo ahead of his time, and when his athleticism declined he became the best mid range shooter in the league.


Jordan was a winner and did it with teams full of role players. Pippen gets more credit than he should but most of MJ’s teammates were stoppers, not scorers. Lebron keeps getting teamed up with top talent and only won 4 of his 10 Finals trips. Stuck at #2 for life.



This bias is why Media kept lebron from wining more MVPs and a DPOY


You mean biased media is the reason he has 4 MVPs


Nah, he should have 6 easy, media ppl who didn’t like him didn’t give it to him



I’m a bron fan but how do they talk about this every other day shi tired with same npc takes



I 100% agree


Cuz MJ got 6 rings? That's yall only argument but let me bring up Bill Russell being better than MJ cuz he got 11 rings and yall gonna say it was a different era



Right? People are like I hate Lebron so much… meanwhile it’s mostly because of shit like this he can’t help


if it goes by peak only then Wilt had the highest peak 🤷‍️ can’t argue with a peak season of 50 ppg and 25 rpg



LeBron will eclipse Jordan with another championship. But that won’t happen.



He will still have 1 less chip and a lower peak, while taking almost twice as long to do it.


If LeBron wins another, I look forward to debating this with you. We both know that it can't beat Denver.



He right bron a longevity merchant




You realized to have longevity you have to have production right?

Nba ain’t got a welfare program. You gotta produce


We're still engaging in hypotheticals about an 8-seed 🤦‍️




Saying that theres "NO WAY" that he'll surpass Jordan is crazy. He's already the best all around player of all-time and is on almost every single record list.

Saying that MJ's peak > LeBron's peak is fine but throughout their whole careers? LeBron is in his 21st season, tell me who else has produced like him over the years that he has?



He’s not the best all around player lol, MJ was. Lebron is the most physically gifted player, but lacks the mentality and will to win for greatness.


Jordan didn’t have the will or mentality to play 10 seasons in a row without taking a year off.
