
生活常识 2024-04-26 千姿百态 1884


而在赛后,美媒Bleacher Report也晒出了东契奇和季后赛得分王詹姆斯在生涯前30场季后赛中的数据对比。其中,东契奇场均可以得到32.5分9.3篮板7.8助攻,而勒布朗-詹姆斯场均可以得到27.6分8.2篮板7.1助攻,三项基础数据全面占优。这一对比也引起了球迷们的热烈讨论,球迷们纷纷表示:祖巴茨功不可没。



Averaging 30 in 30 games is crazyyyy


bro he just averaged 30 for 82 games


there’s a guy that averages 33.4 in 179 games.



Don’t even make this comparison lmfao


true. Give Luka some time to play and see what gnarly counting stats he can truly accumulate!


different era different pace offensive is way higher than lebron first 30 games



I will keep saying it: he’s the 1st player since LeBron to have a legitimate chance of entering the GOAT debate one day. Sooner or later, the league will be his.



he can have a case for GOAT, like Magic or Steph. But it won’t be a strong one because of his lackluster defense


and you'll keep being wrong it's unfortunate that he's playing in the same era as Jokic, his dominance is definitely going to be overshadowed by Jokic's success



One went to the finals



and lost 6 time's there


Luka might not ever go and bron got 4 regular season mvps and 4 finals mvps more then most franchises Keep hating



Hold the ball 90% of the time, statpadding, forcing shot all the time 🥱



Best player on the team, and the rest of his team is mid


If he don’t win MVP this year then shit is rigged



sga is gonna get the award; he deserves it more. Not saying luka doesn’t either but i feel he’s contributed more to his teams success


Neither one of them. Jokic, no doubt.






hasnt prove anything yet. Then you’re saying top 5 when retire??


All damn time. He dont even need to play fast. Playing like that he can play till 40 too 🫣 and making +40.000 points easlyy at this rhythm
